Reset Your Node UI Password - Linux, Raspberry Pi, & Docker
Do you need to reset your Node UI password? Read on for easy ways to do this in Linux, Raspberry Pi, or Docker.
To reset your Node UI password in Linux, run the following commands via terminal:
myst reset --tequilapi
myst reset
Raspberry Pi
If you are using Raspberry Pi, you will need to SSH into your RaspberryPi.
ssh myst@ip-of-your-raspberry
myst reset
If you are using Docker, you will need to open a terminal window and run:
docker exec -it myst /bin/sh
then run:
myst reset
Exit Node Launcher
For Windows (in explorer):
Navigate to %USERPROFILE%\.mysterium and delete file "nodeui-pass".
For Mac (in terminal):
cd ~/.mysterium
rm nodeui-pass
Set New Password
Once you've reset your password, open your Node UI in your browser. Note: you must be on the local network for the set-up screen to appear, this won't work through a reverse proxy.
When the set-up screen is visible, enter your new password. Now that you’ve reset your password, you can access your Node UI. Remember to always keep your passwords secure and private.